This episode of the Irregular Warfare podcast delves deep into the world of Disarmament, Demobilization, and Reintegration (DDR) of ex-combatants, featuring insights from Dr. Erin McFee and Daniella Montemarano. Together, they explore the critical significance of DDR in preventing conflict recurrence on a global scale. Journeying across continents, listeners are provided with a comprehensive understanding of the complexities surrounding DDR efforts in Colombia, El Salvador, Mexico, and Niger, uncovering both the challenges and triumphs encountered in implementing and monitoring these essential peacebuilding initiatives. Drawing from Dr. McFee's extensive research and Daniella Montemarano's firsthand experiences, listeners gain invaluable insights into the intricate roles of military organizations and the policy implications derived from their fieldwork.
Published: 27.03.2024
Institution: Irregular Warfare Initiative