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Our Resource Library is a selected repository of scholarly, policy-oriented and
project-related content as well as external features emerging from the Corioli Institute and its predecessor, the Trust After Betrayal project.
2024 Annual Report
Project Report
Between Frontline and Home Front: Reintegration, Resilience and Participation Strategies for Ukraine's Veterans
Exploratory Study
"Leonor Cuadras" Oyster Aquaculture Cooperative, First Semester of Operation
External Chapter
Gender and the Climate Change Conflict and Migration Nexus: Navigating Ecologies of Vulnerability in the MENA Region
Irregular Warfare Initiative:
Disarmament, Demobilization, and Reintegration of Ex-Combatants
Summit Report
(Re)building Trust and Democracy: Violence, Security and Peace in Latin America
Conference Report
Out of War:
Global Insights on Reintegration to Support Strategies for Ukraine’s Frontline Returnees
Policy Paper
Afghan Allies Out of War:
Addressing the Needs of the Afghan Special Operations Forces Community and their Families in the United States
Repacking Pandora's Box: Managing the Dangers of Weapons Proliferation in Postconflict Ukraine
New Books in Latin American Studies: Ex-Combatants and Peace Agreement with the FARC-EP in Colombia
Excombatientes y Acuerdo de Paz con las FARC-EP en Colombia:
Balance de la Etapa Temprana
Masculinity and Moral Sonhood among Former Non-State Armed Group (NSAG) Members in Mexico and Colombia
Doing bad to be good: remedying the realities of youth participation in Colombia’s non-state armed groups
The Contested Promise of Peace: Social Representations of Peace and the Posacuerdo Citizen-Subject in Colombia
The Double Bind of “Playing Double”: Passing and Identity among Ex-Combatants in Colombia
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