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Gathering life histories of former Al-Shabaab members

The Corioli Institute previously conducted consultations with the IOM in twofold capacities, firstly, on the impact assessment of their Disarmament, Demobilization, and Reintegration (DDR) program for former members of Al-Shabaab, and secondly, on community reintegration practices for grounding the role of community leaders and tribal leaders as they relate to the state backed reintegration program. Currently, we are extending that project where we will be conducting life history interviews with former members of al-Shabab both male and female as well as members of the community and family who are receiving them.

Images taken by researchers from the Corioli Institute on the planning and construction of peace gardens in Bocana Agua Caliente (Morelia) and La Gloria (Florencia), as well as the
community engagement activities of FUMUCASTIVIC.

Corioli's work with SUCEDE "Sociedad en Acción de Sinaloa" in La Reforma, December 2023.

Corioli Institute Researchers working with Noreste Sustentable (NOS) in the community of
El Manglito, La Paz, Baja California Sur in 2022.

Corioli President and Chair Dr Erin McFee's March 2024 research and training trip to Garissa and Turkana counties in Kenya, where drought and environmental degradation
exacerbate already precarious conditions.

Impressions from the first "Out of War" conference dedicated to elaborating strategies for the reintegration of Ukrainian war veterans at LSE, October 2023.


About Us

©2024 Corioli Institute.​ All rights reserved. We are a registered charity under Title 57, Chapter 5 of the Code

of Virginia. 501(c)(3) status applies.
We are a woman-founded and

veteran-led nonprofit.


We are dedicated to creating and supporting initiatives that foster peace, justice, and human security. Our work is rooted in the belief that every person has the right to access educational, economic, and social opportunities.

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